Friday, May 2, 2014

If Teeth Could Talk

A tooth’s worst enemy is acid- either directly contained in the food and drink or produced by bacteria that thrive on sugar and convert it to acid.  The mouth’s best friends are foods that neutralize acids, provide minerals and vitamins to repair tooth enamel, the stimulate saliva.  Dr. John Moore, a cosmetic dentist, tells the best and the worst food and drink for teeth:

High-fiber fruits and vegetables
Dairy products
Sugarless gums with xylitol
Green and black teas
Foods that provide vitamins A, C, and D as well as calcium and phosphorus

Carbonated beverages and other drinks
Spots drinks and vitamin waters
Chewable vitamins
Dry-mouth-causing drinks such as alcohol and some medications
Long-lasting and sticky sweets such as caramels and other gooey candy such as lollipops and hard candies
Dried fruits like raisins, prunes, and apricots
Starchy foods including white bread, potato chips and French fries and undercooked pasta

High-acid citrus fruits and drinks

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