Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I existed before my birthday.

I existed before my birthday.

Why do we celebrate our lives by our birthday rather than the time of conception?  It would ritualize the actual trajectory of our lives rather than starting at a false date nine months in the future, as though we had not been existing.  It would call attention to the natural cycle of human reproduction.  The fetus as a stage of our growth visually reminds us of time as a transitional state that we are passing through, rather than a static or controlled position.  It also draws attention to copulation as the initial act of reproduction, though it is processed socially by the adults becoming a heightened union, it is incredibly normal.  If we celebrated our conception it would also celebrate the act between the mother and father that brought all of us into being, that simple yet physical exchange, it makes creation material and grounded more than the celebration of our emergence into society.  I existed before my birthday.  Life comes and life goes, like leaves fall from the trees we the life of the human individual rises and falls, I am a  part of this season of (wo)mankind.

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