Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nothing Space 1st show titles

The first show at Nothing Space will be an open platform for people to come in and exhibit anything that they want, it will be a gathering, show and tell kind of a thing, the audience is also the maker.  I want people to bring in dances that are half formed, and show videos that are a part of series still in the making, or it could be a photo, or something that a person found online, or it could be a common rock that they liked, or it could be a poem they are working on or that they made in the past, anything at all, bringing in as a community to the space, not someone else's ideas that are supposedly better than what you have right next to you, the power of the human will, to show and make and show, oh it will be so lovely.  Audience as creator.

Working titles for the first show, Sketches: Propositions and Potentials, I just made that up, maybe it sounds pretentious, or maybe it is lovely, I mean it though, so that is a good start.  The other title would be a collection of all the words that are thrown around all the time, kind of a joke about the things that I love about a field, just calling them out, that title is Cabinet of Curiosities: A Spatiotemporal Constellation.

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