Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pizza Box Journal Entry from sleepless hours between 3:30-6:30AM last week

1. It was my Oedipus moment- when I take the pins off the dress and stab out my eyes, observing the two things you can never hold, your own death and your mother, a whole life, hung up on the rack, the alpha and the omega, the vagina and the noose.

2. At the end of the day K.L. is Dr. Faust, with piles of language (A.F.) he burns it all for the fountain of youth, bright colors, a garden bed of attractive faces.  Maybe there is good reason that I can’t adapt well to that scene.  Tyler has time for conduits but not for ends, and so it goes.  And me, what can I really believe in?  Must all hopes and dreams die, mother hanging on the noose, the art that gave me birth, and Bard, and so much magic, goes nowhere but to suicide, it dangles.

3. The lover, which is creation, the muse, is also the mother.  Does that make me king?  How can I become great at anything when I keep jumping professions?  But Andrew G. is fine.  So many, Porter, fine with a leap, a crossover of fields.  Who makes it in the theater?  Can I?  Could I return?  What is it that I really even want?  To share ideas.  What the fuck is that?  Must become acclaimed, an expert, a reporter, gather only the past and tell.  Why is it always about gathering?  Duchamp.  Historian.  Must gather to say something new, Picasso was a storyteller because he found the relics of Africa.  

4. The King died and Pepsi took over, the totem became trash, monument to disposal.  Petra Jordan, just a moment and then gone.  If no one gets to be King is there purpose to life, rhizomatic, is the machine just a way for people to stop having value?

5. What about the movies?  They too fade like all culture.  Popularity contest, the mass spread of film, forgotten in time, lost in a past cultural consciousness.

6. The hallway where I cried in middle school.  A shrine of my psyche, no one else will ever know. It lives and dies with me.  But it lives with me.

7. The tomb of the pharaoh.   And she died.  And no one knew what she had grown, fostered inside, against all odds, mortality won.

Voice 1: You are scared of getting older.
Voice 2: I always have been, but now more than ever.
Voice 1: You are scared of death.  You are scared that your value will stay trapped and wasted.

8. A body leaves traces.  History lives in the minds of the living.  The scope of your doings to reach the doings of others and thus to slant what is to come.

9. (H)ours.

10. And she fell from great heights. No one ever knew she even lived.  She became dirt.  No one knew.

11. There was a speakeasy.  A secret that spoke, a private place, away from the law, away from control, away from sight, where language flows.

12.  Let down your great hair.

Voice 1: The most important thing in the whole universe?  
Voice 2: Hydrogen.  I have no idea, something constant.
Voice 1: The most important thing in human life?
Voice 2: Satisfaction.  Happiness. ‘Good’ behavior.  A life that serves life.  Peacekeepers, mediators, a conduit for positive change.  
Voice 1: Most important thing in your life?
Voice 2: Respect.  Respecting others and being respected.  How can I help others?  How can I be useful.  My favorite thing to do in life- talk one-on-one with people, to discover something new together.  This is social but how can this be a job?  Teacher, therapist?  I always want to be an artist.  There is no rainbow.  The reality is what you make of it.
Voice 1:  What is of value?  What do humans need?  What does the world need?
Voice 2: “Gods” as in something to believe in. “Ideas” as in something to believe in. Sex.  Peace.  Love.  I can help people make love.  Be good.  Connect better.  Be more understanding of others, care, pay attention, learn, discover what is.

13.  “The road is walked one step at a time.”

a. There was one key and ten doors, you can only open one door.
b. You are trapped in the woods and you don’t know what direction you are going, you can wait until morning or you can burn down the forest at night.  You burn it down.

14.  And she said nothing worth hearing, no value, no light, all meaningless, all hours spent, and for what?  No one knew, no one was helped, just friends and issues, just cups of coffee, we all die. We all pass.  How to save the world?  How to be of value?  Great effect.  Refusing to be anything other than worth paying attention to, speak-up, the first step is getting into an institution.  Death, death.  I want to be an artist.  And say what!!!?! EXACTLY!!!?!! AND WHY?! Fuck, what are you changing?  How far can you reach?  What is worth talking about?  

15.  Is god dead?  My god.  The god of creation, of art, of voice.  When does god die, when do you let your gods die?

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