Sunday, January 9, 2011

Quotes from Steppenwolf "Mozart laughed"

"She talked to me about these years of childhood when the capacity for love, in its first youth, embraces not only both sexes, but all and everything, sensuous and spiritual, and endows all things with a spell of love and a fairylike ease of transformation such as in later years comes again only to a chosen few and to poets, and to them rarely." p.167

"But the image of every true act, the strength of every true feeling, belongs to eternity just as much, even though no one knows of it or sees it or records it or hands it down to posterity.  In eternity there is no posterity." p. 153

"It was laughter without an object.  It was simply light and lucidity.  It was that which is left over when a true man has passed though all the sufferings, vices, mistakes, passions and misunderstandings of men and got through to eternity and the world of space.  And eternity was nothing else than the redemption of time, its return to innocence, so to speak, and its transformation again into space.
In the German spirit the matriarchal link with nature rules in the form of the hegemony of music to an extent unknown in any other people.  We intellectuals, instead of fighting against this tendency like men, and rendering obedience to the spirit, the Logos, the Word, and gaining a hearing for it, are all dreaming of a speech without words that utters the inexpressible and gives form to the formless.  Instead of playing his part as truly and honestly as he could, the German intellectual has constantly rebelled against the the word and against reason and courted music.  And so the German spirit, carousing in music, in wonderful creations of sound, and wonderful beauties of feeling and mood that were never pressed home to reality, has left the greater parts of practical gifts to decay.  None of intellectuals is at home in reality.  We are strange to it and hostile." p.154

"All these thoughts that had arisen between her and me seemed so intimate and well known, fashioned from a mythology and an imagery so entirely my own.  The immortals, living their life in timeless space, enraptured, re-fashioned and immersed in a crystalline eternity like ether, and the cool starry brightness and radiant serenity of this world outside the earth- whence was all this so intimately known?  As I reflected , passages of Mozart's Cassations, of Bach's Well-tempered Clavier came to my mind and it seemed to me that all through this music there was the radiance of this cool starry brightness and the quivering of this clearness of either.  Yes, it was there.  In this music there was a feeling as of time frozen into space, and above it there quivered a never-ending and superhuman serenity, an eternal, divine laughter."  p.155

"To live in the world as though it were not the wold, to respect the law and yet to stand above it, to have possessions as though "one possessed nothing," to renounce as though it were no renunciation, all these favorite and often formulated propositions of an exalted worldly wisdom, it is in the power of humor alone to make efficacious."  p. 55

"In reality, however, every ego, so far from being a unity is in the highest degree a manifold world, a constellated heaven, a chaos of forms, of states and stages, of inheritances and potentialities." p. 59

"When you listen to the radio you are a witness of the everlasting war between idea and appearance, between time and eternity, between the human and the divine.... exactly as it strips this music of its sensuous beauty, spoils and scratches and beslimes it and yet cannot altogether destroy its spirit, just so does life, the so-called reality, deal with the sublime picture-play of the world and make a hurly-burley of it.  It makes its unappetizing tone-slime of the most magic orchestral music.  Everywhere it obtrudes its mechanism, its activity, its dreary exigencies and vanity between the ideal and the real, between orchestra and ear.  All life is so, my child, and we must let it be so; and, if we are not asses, laugh at it." p.213

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